the things that are so effortless in their construction
are those we throw away with such recklessness
even though they're hard to find
we say we want a real connection
but do not take connections seriously
we focus on the physical, the last-minute make-out
after a night of drinking, dancing
to ease to pangs of loneliness
giving in to fear and insecurity
afraid to communicate our intentions
seedlings never given a chance to grow
i want something real
(would be willing to give up the single life for)
that rush of admiration
unequivocal mutual devotion
chemistry you could bottle
promises and secret desires
(and butterflies)
marriage and love
a little rented apartment
kids running through sprinklers
bike riding through city streets
someone to cook with after a long day
hugging and holding
late-night talks in bed
commitment and friendship
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